

debug::dump writes a string representation of an object to stderr
debug::dump_object writes a string representation of an object to stderr
debug::exit terminates the program
debug::hexdump writes a hexdump of the given string to stderr
debug::print writes the given string to stderr
debug::println writes the given string and a newline character to stderr
debug::string returns a string representation of the given object
debug::total_garbage_collections returns the number of garbage collection cycles so far
std::BACKGROUND_COLOUR the background colour option used in and
std::BLACK the colour black as used by the terminal library
std::BLOCK_DEVICE a file type referring to a block device
std::BLUE the colour blue as used by the terminal library
std::CHARACTER_DEVICE a file type referring to a character device
std::COPYRIGHT adds a copyright message
std::CURSOR_OFF specify that the cursor should be turned off
std::CYAN the colour cyan as used by the terminal library
std::DIRECTORY a file type referring to a directory
std::E2BIG argument list too long
std::EACCES permission denied
std::EADDRINUSE address already in use
std::EADDRNOTAVAIL cannot assign requested address
std::EADV advertise error
std::EAFNOSUPPORT address family not supported by protocol
std::EAGAIN try again
std::EALREADY operation already in progress
std::EBADE bad exchange
std::EBADF bad file descriptor
std::EBADFD file descriptor in bad state
std::EBADMSG not a data message
std::EBADR bad address
std::EBADRQC invalid request descriptor
std::EBADSLT invalid slot
std::EBFONT bad font file format
std::EBUSY device or resource busy
std::ECANCELED operation canceled
std::ECHILD no child processes
std::ECHRNG channel number out of range
std::ECOMM communication error on send
std::ECONNABORTED software caused connection abort
std::ECONNREFUSED connection refused
std::ECONNRESET connection reset by peer
std::EDEADLK deadlock condition
std::EDESTADDRREQ destination address required
std::EDOM domain error
std::EDOTDOT rfc931 nfs v2 error
std::EDQUOT quota exceeded
std::EEXIST file exists
std::EFAULT bad address
std::EFBIG file too large
std::EHOSTDOWN host is down
std::EHOSTUNREACH no route to host
std::EIDRM identifier removed
std::EILSEQ illegal byte sequence
std::EINPROGRESS operation now in progress
std::EINTR interrupted system call
std::EINVAL invalid argument
std::EIO input/output error
std::EISCONN socket is already connected
std::EISDIR is a directory
std::EISNAM is a named type file
std::EKEYEXPIRED key expired
std::EKEYREJECTED key rejected
std::EKEYREVOKED key revoked
std::EL2HLT level 2 halted
std::EL2NSYNC level 2 not synchronized
std::EL3HLT level 3 halted
std::EL3RST level 3 reset
std::ELIBACC can not access a needed shared library
std::ELIBBAD accessing a corrupted shared library
std::ELIBEXEC cannot exec a shared library directly
std::ELIBMAX attempted using too many links
std::ELIBSCN .lib section in a.out corrupted
std::ELNRNG link number out of range
std::ELOOP too many symbolic links encountered
std::EMEDIUMTYPE incorrect medium type
std::EMFILE too many open files
std::EMLINK too many links
std::EMSGSIZE message too long
std::EMULTIHOP multihop attempted
std::ENAMETOOLONG file name too long
std::ENAVAIL no XENIX semaphores available
std::ENCODING used as an option key to specify a text encoding
std::ENETDOWN network is down
std::ENETRESET network dropped connection because of reset
std::ENETUNREACH network is unreachable
std::ENFILE file table overflow
std::ENOANO no anode
std::ENOBUFS no buffer space available
std::ENOCSI no CSI structure available
std::ENODATA no data available
std::ENODEV no such device
std::ENOENT no such file or directory
std::ENOERR no error
std::ENOEXEC exec format error
std::ENOKEY key not available
std::ENOLCK no record locks available
std::ENOLINK link has been severed
std::ENOMEDIUM no medium found
std::ENOMEM out of memory
std::ENOMSG no message of desired type
std::ENONET machine is not on the network
std::ENOPKG package not installed
std::ENOPROTOOPT protocol not available
std::ENOSPC no space left on device
std::ENOSR out of streams resources
std::ENOSTR device not a stream
std::ENOSYS function not implemented
std::ENOTBLK blocking operation not supported
std::ENOTCONN socket is not connected
std::ENOTDIR not a directory
std::ENOTEMPTY directory not empty
std::ENOTNAM not a XENIX named type file
std::ENOTRECOVERABLE state not recoverable
std::ENOTSOCK operation not supported on socket
std::ENOTTY not a typewriter
std::ENOTUNIQ file system does not support byte swapped files
std::ENXIO no such device or address
std::EOPNOTSUPP operation not supported
std::EOVERFLOW value too large for defined data type
std::EOWNERDEAD owner died
std::EPERM operation not permitted
std::EPFNOSUPPORT protocol family not supported
std::EPIPE broken pipe
std::EPROTO protocol error
std::EPROTONOSUPPORT protocol not supported
std::EPROTOTYPE protocol error
std::ERANGE result too large
std::EREMCHG remote address changed
std::EREMOTE address not available
std::EREMOTEIO remote I/O error
std::ERESTART restart point is not valid
std::EROFS read-only file system
std::ESHUTDOWN socket shutdown
std::ESOCKTNOSUPPORT socket type not supported
std::ESPIPE illegal seek
std::ESRCH no such process
std::ESRMNT srmount error
std::ESTALE stale NFS file handle
std::ESTRPIPE stream pipe error
std::ETIME timer expired
std::ETIMEDOUT connection timed out
std::ETOOMANYREFS too many references: cannot splice
std::ETXTBSY text file busy
std::EUCLEAN struct member not updated
std::EUNATCH protocol driver not attached
std::EUSERS too many users
std::EXDEV cross-device link not permitted
std::EXFULL exchange full
std::EXIT_FAILURE status code for unsuccessful termination
std::EXIT_SUCCESS status code for successful termination
std::Error displays an error message and terminates the program
std::FILE_DESCRIPTOR specify file descriptor in call to *initialize_terminal*
std::FUNKY_IDENTIFIER the single instance of the Funky identifier grammar object type
std::GREEN the colour green as used by the terminal library
std::GREY the colour grey as used by the terminal library
std::LATIN1 used as a value for specifying a text encoding
std::LINE_HEIGHT the line height option used in and
std::MAGENTA the colour magenta as used by the terminal library
std::MANDATORY_PARAMETER describes a mandatory parameter
std::MANY_PARAMETERS describes list of one or more parameters
std::MAP_CR specify that the terminal should map carriage return to line feed
std::MULTI_VALUED_OPTION describes an option with an associated list of values
std::NAMED_PIPE a file type referring to a named pipe
std::OPTIONAL_PARAMETER describes an optional parameter
std::PI the mathematical constant PI
std::PROCESS_JOINED used to tag "process joined" events
std::READ used to tag "read" events
std::READ_ERROR used to tag "read error" events
std::RECEIVE_CTRL_C_AND_CTRL_Z specify that the terminal should receive ctrl-c and ctrl-z
std::RECEIVE_CTRL_Q_AND_CTRL_S specify that the terminal should receive ctrl-q and ctrl-s
std::RECEIVE_SIGWINCH specify that the terminal should receive SIGWINCH
std::RED the colour red as used by the terminal library
std::REGULAR_FILE a file type referring to a regular file
std::SHUT_RD shutdown read side
std::SHUT_RDWR shutdown read and write side
std::SHUT_WR shutdown write side
std::SIGNAL used to tag "signal" events
std::SOCKET a file type referring to a socket
std::SOME_PARAMETERS describes list of zero or more parameters
std::STDERR_FILENO the file descriptor for standard error output
std::STDIN_FILENO the file descriptor for standard input
std::STDOUT_FILENO the file descriptor for standard output
std::SYMBOLIC_LINK a file type referring to a symbolic link
std::TEXT_COLOUR the text colour option used in and
std::TITLE the title to use for the terminal window
std::UNKNOWN_FILE_TYPE a file type referring to an unknown file type
std::UTF8 used as a value for specifying a text encoding
std::VALUED_OPTION describes an option with an associated value
std::VERSION defines the version of the application program
std::VISIBLE_CURSOR the option to make the cursor visible in
std::WHITE the colour white as used by the terminal library
std::WRITE_COMPLETED used to tag "write completed" events
std::WRITE_ERROR used to tag "write error" events
std::WRITE_PENDING used to tag "write pending" events
std::YELLOW the colour yellow as used by the terminal library
std::abs returns the absolute value of its (numerical) argument
std::access_time_nanoseconds_of the nanoseconds part of the access time of a file
std::access_time_of timestamp of last file access
std::access_time_seconds_of the whole seconds part of the access time of a file
std::acos returns the arccosine of the given value
std::all_of tests all items of a collection
std::and "short cut" and-operation
std::any_of tests all items of a collection
std::append appends two or more collections to form a single collection
std::append_or_error appends two collections
std::array constructs an empty array
std::asin returns the arcsine of the given value
std::assign returns all its arguments unaltered
std::atan returns the arctangent of the given value
std::background_colour_at returns the background colour at the specified position of the screen
std::backspace_character_of retrieve the character sent by the backspace key
std::before returns the substring before the specified expression
std::behind returns the substring behind the specified expression
std::between returns the substring between the two specified expressions
std::bin converts a positive integer value into a string consisting of binary digits
std::bit_and bitwise and operation
std::bit_or bitwise inclusive or operation
std::bit_xor bitwise exclusive or operation
std::blit copies a source screen into the destination screen
std::block_count_of the number of blocks allocated for the file
std::block_size_of the size of a block
std::blue_component_of the blue component of a colour
std::boolean_array constructs an empty array
std::break cancels the current "loop"
std::bresenham returns an iterator
std::call calls an external program
std::cancel_write cancels a write operation
std::case a multiway conditional expression or statement
std::ceil computes the smallest integral number greater or equal than its argument
std::character returns the character with the specified unicode
std::character_array constructs an empty array
std::character_at returns the character at the specified position of the screen
std::character_width returns the width of a potentially wide characters
std::chdir changes the current working directory
std::check checks its argument
std::chmod changes the mode of the specified file
std::chown changes the owner and group of the specified file
std::chroot changes the root directory
std::clear_screen clears the terminal screen and moves the cursor to the top-left position
std::close closes the specified file without returning success status
std::closedir closes the specified directory stream
std::colour_mixture constructs a colour (character) from a mixture of the specified colours
std::command_line_arguments the application's command line arguments
std::cond a multiway conditional expression or statement
std::contains checks whether a string contains a specific expression
std::cos returns the cosine of the given angle
std::count counts items in a collection
std::count_occurrences returns the number of occurences of the specified expression
std::create_index_table creates an index table for the specified collection
std::create_process creates a new child process
std::create_screen creates a logical screen
std::create_string returns the concatenation of all of the list's items converted to strings
std::create_terminal must be called before any other terminal function
std::current_time returns the current date and time
std::cursor_home moves the cursor to the top-left position
std::cursor_off turns the terminal cursor off
std::cursor_on turns the terminal cursor on
std::date_and_time constructs a date-and-time object
std::day_of the day of a month of a date-and-time object
std::day_of_week_of the day of the week of a date-and-time object
std::dec subtracts the number 1 from the specified value
std::default_value returns the first argument if it is defined or else the second argument
std::define_window defines a rectangular area as the current drawing area
std::delete_all deletes all occurences of the specfified expressions
std::device_id constructs a device ID from an unsigned long value
std::device_of the device number
std::directory returns a list of directory entries
std::div divide two integer numbers
std::do execute a statement sequence
std::draw_attributed_text draws text with given fore- and background colours
std::draw_character draws a character at the given position
std::draw_line draws a horizontal or vertical line
std::draw_rectangle draws a rectangle
std::draw_text draws text at the given position
std::drop removes the last item of a collection without returning it
std::dump writes a string representation of some objects to stdout
std::dump_to writes a string representation of some objects to the given file descriptor
std::dup creates a concatenation of *n* copies of the specified collection
std::echo_characters set or clear ECHO in c_lflag
std::echo_new_lines set or clear ECHONL in c_lflag
std::edump print an object dump to stderr
std::ehexdump writes a hexdump of the given string to stderr
std::empty_association_list an empty association list
std::empty_binary_table an empty binary table
std::empty_collection_of an empty collection of the appropriate type
std::empty_hash_set an empty hash set
std::empty_hash_table an empty hash table
std::empty_insert_order_set an empty insert-order set
std::empty_insert_order_table an empty insert-order table
std::empty_key_order_set an empty key-order set
std::empty_key_order_table an empty key-order table
std::empty_list an empty list
std::empty_string the empty string
std::enable_xon_xoff_for_input set or clear IXOFF in c_iflag
std::enable_xon_xoff_for_output set or clear IXON in c_iflag
std::environment a table holding all environment variables
std::environment_variables the application's environment variables
std::eprint writes its arguments (as a single string) to the error output channel
std::eprint_string writes its argument (a single string) to the error output channel
std::eprintln writes its arguments and a trailing newline to the error output channel
std::equal compares two objects for equality
std::errno_of retrieves the errno value of the error object
std::error creates an error object
std::error_category_of retrieves the error category of the error object
std::error_check raises an error if any of its arguments is an error object
std::error_details_of retrieves the error details of the error object
std::error_message_text_of retrieves the error message text of the error object
std::error_number constructs an error number from an integer value
std::exec replaces the current process with the given command
std::exit terminates the current program or task
std::exitstatus extract the exit status from a status value
std::exp computes the exponential function of its argument
std::extern allows calling an external command like a builtin function
std::extract_keys converts an input character stream into a list of keys
std::extract_options extracts the options of a function call
std::failed_attribute_of retrieves the *attribute* associated with the error object
std::false the boolean value "false"
std::file_descriptor constructs a file_descriptor from an integer value
std::file_exists checks if the specified file exists
std::file_type constructs a file_type from an integer value
std::filter returns a collection containing all the items that fullfill the filter-condition
std::find_first returns the first item of a collection that fullfills the condition
std::first_item_of returns the first item of a non-empty collection
std::first_key_of returns the first key of a non-empty collection
std::flatten flattens a collection (probably a list)
std::floor computes the greatest integral number smaller or equal than its argument
std::flush flushes all buffers associated with the resource
std::for_each iterates over all items of a collection
std::format formats its arguments using the specified template string
std::from returns the substring starting with the specified expression
std::from_to a loop iterating over a sequence of values
std::from_to_by a loop iterating over a sequence of values
std::from_unix_time constructs a date-and-time object from the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch
std::from_utf8 converts a string from utf-8 encoding to code points
std::fstat retrieves status information about the file described by the specified file descriptor
std::fsync flushes all buffers associated with the file descriptor
std::generate_signals set or clear ISIG in c_lflag
std::get removes and returns the first item of a collection
std::get_environment constructs a table holding all environment variables
std::get_events gets one or more events
std::get_from_until reads text from the specified input channel until a specific sentinel is encountered
std::get_key wait for a keyboard input event or until the timeout expires
std::get_terminal_attributes retrieve the current terminal attributes
std::get_terminal_size retrieves the current width and height of the specified terminal
std::get_until reads text from the standard input channel until a specific sentinel is encountered
std::getcwd returns the current working directory
std::getegid returns the effective group ID
std::getenv returns the value of the specified environment variable
std::geteuid returns the effective user id
std::getgid returns the real group ID
std::gethostname returns the hostname of the local computer
std::getln reads a text line from the standard input channel
std::getln_from reads a text line from the specified input channel
std::getlogin returns the login name of the current user
std::getpid returns the process ID
std::getppid returns the parent process ID
std::getpwuid returns the password entry for the specified user ID
std::getsid returns the process ID of the session leader of the process group
std::getuid returns the real user ID
std::green_component_of the green component of a colour
std::group_id constructs a group ID from an integer value
std::group_id_of the group id
std::hangup_on_close set or clear HUPCL in c_oflag
std::has_prefix returns *true* if the second argument is a prefix of the first argument
std::has_suffix returns *true* if the second argument is a suffix of the first argument
std::hash returns a hash value
std::hex converts a positive integer value into a string consisting of hexadecimal digits
std::hexdump writes a hexdump of the given string to stdout
std::hexdump_to writes a hexdump of the given string to the given file descriptor
std::home_directory_of the home directory
std::hour_of the hour of a date-and-time object
std::if classic if; can be used as a function or a procedure
std::if_not can be used as a function or a procedure
std::ignore accepts a single argument and returns nothing
std::ignore_cr_on_input set or clear IGNCR in c_iflag
std::in checks whether an element is contained in a collection
std::inc adds the number 1 to the specified value
std::indented increases the indent of the specified (multi-line) string
std::initialize_terminal creates a terminal object for the given input file descriptor
std::initialized_array constructs an initialized array
std::initialized_boolean_array constructs an initialized array
std::initialized_character_array constructs an initialized array
std::initialized_int16_array constructs an initialized array
std::initialized_int32_array constructs an initialized array
std::initialized_int64_array constructs an initialized array
std::initialized_int8_array constructs an initialized array
std::initialized_uint16_array constructs an initialized array
std::initialized_uint32_array constructs an initialized array
std::initialized_uint64_array constructs an initialized array
std::initialized_uint8_array constructs an initialized array
std::inode_number constructs an inode number from an integer value
std::inode_number_of the inode number
std::input_speed call cfsetispeed() or cfgetispeed()
std::int16_array constructs an empty array
std::int32_array constructs an empty array
std::int64_array constructs an empty array
std::int8_array constructs an empty array
std::integer constructs an integer from its string representation
std::intersection computes the intersection of two collections
std::io_task_manager starts the main loop of the io-task manager
std::is_a_boolean succeeds for and
std::is_a_character tests if an object is a character
std::is_a_digit checks wheter its argument is a digit
std::is_a_directory returns true if the file is a directory
std::is_a_file_descriptor returns true if the argument is a file descriptor
std::is_a_function succeeds for function objects
std::is_a_letter checks wheter its argument is a letter (upper or lower case)
std::is_a_letter_character returns for letter characters
std::is_a_lower_case_letter_character returns for lower case letter characters
std::is_a_lowercase_letter checks wheter its argument is a lowercase letter
std::is_a_process_id returns true if the argument is a process id
std::is_a_random_number_generator obvious
std::is_a_string tests if an object is a string
std::is_a_title_case_letter_character returns for title case letter characters
std::is_a_whitespace_character returns for whitespace characters
std::is_a_zero_width_character returns for zero width characters
std::is_an_error returns true if the argument denotes an error-object
std::is_an_iterator checks whether an object is an iterator or not
std::is_an_octet_string tests if an object is an octet string
std::is_an_upper_case_letter_character returns for upper case letter characters
std::is_an_uppercase_letter checks wheter its argument is an uppercase letter
std::is_defined returns true for all "normal" objects"
std::is_empty checks whether a collection contains any items
std::is_even returns true if the specified value is even, false otherwise
std::is_not_empty checks whether a collection contains at least one item
std::is_odd returns true if the specified value is odd, false otherwise
std::is_undefined returns *true* for *undefined* values
std::isqrt returns the integer square root of its argument
std::join concatenates the list items using the specified separator
std::join_process joins a process
std::key_of the key of a key-value-pair
std::key_value_pair constructs a key-value-pair
std::last_item_of returns the last item of a non-empty collection
std::last_key_of returns the last key of a non-empty collection
std::lcg creates a pseudo random number generator
std::length_of returns the number of items within a collection
std::less compares two objects in an object specific way
std::link_count_of the number of hard links
std::list constructs a list from its arguments
std::ln computes the logarithm to the base e
std::load load data
std::log the arguments are converted into a single string; a newline character is added if not already supplied by the caller
std::log_level the used log-level
std::loop a simple "loop"
std::lower_bound_of the lower bound of a range
std::map applies a function to all items of a collection
std::map_characters applies a function to each character of the string
std::map_cr_to_lf_on_input set or clear ICRNL in c_iflag
std::map_lf_to_crlf_on_output set or clear ONLCR in c_oflag
std::map_or_error applies a function to all items of a collection
std::map_reduce combines a map and a reduce operation into a single operation
std::match match the grammar object with the start of the specified string
std::match_back match the grammar object with the end of the specified string
std::max returns the largest of its (potentially) many arguments
std::merge merge two collections in a collection specific way
std::mersenne_twister creates a pseudo random number generator
std::min returns the smallest of its (potentially) many arguments
std::min_max returns the smaller and the larger of its two arguments
std::minimum_characters_for_canoncial_read set or get the value of VMIN in c_cc
std::minus subtract two numbers of any kind
std::minute_of the minute of an hour of a date-and-time object
std::mkdir creates a directory
std::mkfifo creates a FIFO
std::mod compute the remainder of two integer numbers
std::mode_of the file mode
std::modification_time_nanoseconds_of the nanoseconds part of the modification time of a file
std::modification_time_of timestamp of last file modification
std::modification_time_seconds_of the whole seconds part of the modification time of a file
std::month_of the month of a date-and-time object
std::name_of a filename
std::negate negate the numeric argument
std::new creates a new collection with inherited attributes
std::new_tuple constructs a tuple with specified type and fields
std::next starts the next "iteration" of a "loop"
std::next_key_of returns the key after the specified key
std::normalize trims the string and replaces whitespace by a single space
std::not negates its boolean argument
std::oct converts a positive integer value into a string consisting of octal digits
std::on if the specified condition is true then perform the specified action
std::on_not if the specified condition is false then perform the specified action
std::open opens a file
std::open_tcp_socket opens a TCP socket
std::open_unix_socket opens a UNIX domain socket
std::opendir opens a directory stream
std::or "short cut" or- operation
std::output_speed call cfsetospeed() or cfgetospeed()
std::over divide two numbers of any kind
std::pad_left extends a string to the specified width
std::pad_right extends a string to the specified width
std::parameter_count_of number of wanted arguments
std::parse_hex extracts a hexadecimal value from the start of the string
std::parse_integer extracts an integer value from the start of the string
std::parse_number extracts a numeric value from the start of the string
std::partition partitions a string into several parts and returns a list of these parts
std::pass does nothing
std::password_of the password
std::peek returns the last item of a collection without removing it
std::plus add two numbers of any kind
std::pop remove and return the last item of a collection
std::pow computes the power of its first argument to the second argument
std::previous_key_of returns the key before the specified key
std::print writes its arguments (as a single string) to the standard output channel
std::print_string writes its argument (a single string) to the standard output channel
std::print_string_to writes its argument (a single string) to the specified output channel
std::print_to prints its arguments to the specified file descriptor
std::println writes its arguments and a trailing newline to the standard output channel
std::println_to prints its arguments to the specified output channel and adds a newline
std::process_id constructs a process id from an integer value
std::program_name the name of the application program
std::program_parameters defines the application's options and parameters
std::pselect waits for one or more file descriptors to become ready for some
std::push add a single item at the end of a collection
std::put adds a single item at the front of a collection
std::range returns a subrange of a collection
std::read a low level read function
std::read_all_from reads all data from the specified input channel
std::read_from reads data from the specified input channel
std::read_from_until reads data from the specified input channel until a specific sentinel is encountered
std::readdir reads a directory entry
std::readln_from reads a line from the specified input channel
std::real constructs a real number from its string representation
std::realpath resolves the specified pathname
std::red_component_of the red component of a colour
std::reduce computes a kind of sum from the items of a collection
std::rename renames or moves the specified file
std::repeat invoke a statement sequence for a specific number of times
std::replace_all replaces all occurences of the specified expressions
std::replace_first replaces the first occurence of the specified expressions
std::resize resizes a screen or terminal
std::restart_output_on_any_character set or clear IXANY in c_iflag
std::restore_colours set default colours for text and background
std::result_count returns the expected number of results
std::retrieve_first_item returns and removes the first item of a non-empty collection
std::retrieve_last_item returns and removes the last item of a non-empty collection
std::reverse reverse the order of all items of a collection
std::rgb_character constructs a colour (character) from its primary colours
std::root_device_of the root device
std::round computes the nearest integral number for its argument
std::rows_and_columns returns the number of rows and the width of the longest row in the text
std::save save data
std::search search from the grammar object from the start or end of the specified string
std::second_of the second of a minute of a date-and-time object
std::sequence constructs a sequence
std::serialize returns a machine readable string representation of the object
std::set_background_colour_at sets the background colour at the given position
std::set_character_at sets the character at the given position
std::set_cursor sets the current cursor position
std::set_terminal_attributes update the current terminal attributes
std::set_text_colour_at sets the foreground color at the given position
std::sethostname sets the hostname of the local computer
std::sgn returns the sign of its (numerical) argument
std::shell_of the login shell
std::shift_left bitwise shift-left operation
std::shift_right bitwise shift-right operation
std::shutdown shutdown the receiver and/or sender of the specified socket
std::shutdown_type constructs a shutdown type from an integer value
std::sin returns the sine of the given angle
std::size_of the size of the file
std::sleep sleeps for the specified number of seconds
std::sort returns a sorted copy of the collection
std::spaces returns the specified number of spaces
std::split splits a string into several parts and returns a list of these parts
std::split_into_groups splits already indented lines into groups
std::split_into_indented_lines splits a text into indented lines
std::spread returns the items of a collection as separate results
std::sqr returns the square of its (numerical) argument
std::sqrt computes the square root of its argument
std::start_catching_signals starts catching signals
std::start_injecting_window_change_events starts receiving window change events
std::start_reading_from registers a read request for a file descriptor
std::stat retrieves status information about the specified file
std::status_change_time_nanoseconds_of the nanoseconds part of the status change time of a file
std::status_change_time_of timestamp of last file status change
std::status_change_time_seconds_of the whole seconds part of the status change time of a file
std::stop_catching_signals stops catching signals
std::stop_injecting_window_change_events stops receiving window change events
std::stop_reading_from unregisters a read request for a file descriptor
std::strerror returns a textual representation of an error number
std::string returns the concatenation of all its arguments converted to strings
std::subtype_of used to define the subtypes of tuples and lists
std::tabs_and_spaces returns a sequence of tabulator- and space-characters
std::tan returns the tangent of the given angle
std::terminate terminates the current process
std::text_colour_at returns the text colour at the specified position of the screen
std::timeout_for_reads set or get the value of VTIME in c_cc; timeout is converted to/from seconds!
std::times multiply two numbers of any kind
std::to_integer converts its argument into an integer number
std::to_list create a list representing the collection
std::to_lower_case converts all upper case characters to lower case
std::to_number converts its argument into a number
std::to_real converts its argument into a real (floating point) number
std::to_sentence_case converts a string to "Sentence case"
std::to_string returns a human readable presentation of the object
std::to_title_case converts the contents to Title Case
std::to_upper_case converts all lower case characters to UPPER CASE
std::to_utf8 returns an utf8-encoded octet string
std::trim removes leading and trailing whitespace
std::trim_left removes leading whitespace
std::trim_right removes trailing whitespace
std::true the boolean value "true"
std::truncate truncates a collection to the specified number of items
std::truncate_before returns the substring starting with the specified expression
std::truncate_behind returns the substring ending with the specified expression
std::truncate_from returns the substring before the specified expression
std::truncate_until returns the substring behind the specified expression
std::try recover an error object
std::tuple constructs a tuple from the specified arguments
std::tuple_or_error constructs a tuple from the specified arguments
std::type_of the type of the file
std::uint16_array constructs an empty array
std::uint32_array constructs an empty array
std::uint64_array constructs an empty array
std::uint8_array constructs an empty array
std::umask set a new file creation mask
std::undefined a one-of-kind object to represent *undefined* values
std::unique_item returns the specified unique item
std::unlink remove the specified file
std::until returns the substring ending with the specified expression
std::update_if updates one or more variables depending on a condition
std::update_if_not updates one or more variables depending on a condition
std::update_terminal create a command sequence to update the terminal
std::upper_bound_of the upper bound of a range
std::use_canonical_mode set or clear ICANON in c_lflag
std::user_id constructs a user id from an integer value
std::user_id_of the user id
std::user_information_of the user information
std::username_of the username
std::usleep sleep for the specified number of microseconds
std::value_of the value of a key-value-pair
std::value_range constructs a value-range
std::wait waits for a child process to terminate
std::wait2 waits for a child process to terminate
std::while a "while" loop
std::while_not a "while" loop
std::with_tabs replaces leading spaces with tab-characters
std::without_prefix removes a specific expression at the start of a string
std::without_suffix removes a specific expression at the end of a string
std::wrap_words wraps a string consisting of words onto multiple lines
std::write a low level write function
std::write_string_to writes its argument (a single string) to the specified output channel
std::write_to writes its arguments to the specified output channel
std::writeln_to writes its arguments to the specified output channel and adds a newline
std::year_of the calendar year of a date-and-time object
std::zip zip (merge) two collections
std_types::FUNKY_IDENTIFIER a grammar object type for matching Funky identifiers
std_types::array an array of objects
std_types::association_list retrieve, insert or delete an item
std_types::binary_table the "type function" for binary
std_types::character a unicode code point encoded as a 32-bit value
std_types::collection the prototype object for all kinds of collections
std_types::date_and_time the prototype object for date-and-time objects
std_types::device_id a POSIX device ID
std_types::directory a POSIX directory
std_types::dirent a directory entry
std_types::error the prototype object for all error objects
std_types::error_number a POSIX error number
std_types::event the prototype for all events
std_types::false the *type* of the boolean value **false**
std_types::file_descriptor a POSIX file descriptor
std_types::file_type a POSIX file type
std_types::function the prototype object for all functions
std_types::generic_array the prototype object for all kind of arrays
std_types::generic_list the prototype object for all kind of lists (including strings)
std_types::group_id a POSIX group ID
std_types::hash_set a set for fast random access
std_types::hash_table a table for fast random access of items
std_types::inode_number a POSIX inode number
std_types::insert_order_set retrieve or add an item
std_types::insert_order_table retrieve or add an item
std_types::integer the prototype object for all integral numbers
std_types::io the prototype for all input-output objects
std_types::iterator prototype object for all kinds of iterators
std_types::key_order_set a set which items are stored in key-order
std_types::key_order_table a table which items are stored in key-order
std_types::key_value_pair the prototype object for all key-value-pair-objects
std_types::number the prototype object for all kinds of numbers
std_types::object the prototype object for all "normal" objects
std_types::octet_string a string where all characters fit into an octet
std_types::passwd a password entry
std_types::polymorphic_function_with_setter the prototype object for all polymorphic functions with a setter
std_types::positive_integer the prototype object for all non-negative integers
std_types::process_id a POSIX process ID
std_types::random_number_generator prototype object for all random number generators
std_types::real the prototype object for all non-integral numbers
std_types::screen the prototype objects for all screens
std_types::sequence the prototype object for all sequences
std_types::set the prototype object for all kinds of sets
std_types::shutdown_type a POSIX shutdown type
std_types::stat file status information
std_types::string the prototype object for all strings
std_types::table the prototype object for all tables
std_types::terminal the prototype objects for all terminals
std_types::terminal_attributes a structure that stores the terminal attributes
std_types::true the *type* of the boolean value **true**
std_types::tuple the prototype object for all tuples
std_types::undefined the undefined object
std_types::unique_item this is the prototype object for all unique items
std_types::user_id a POSIX user id
std_types::value_range the prototype object for all value-range-objects