

the prototype object for all kind of lists (including strings)



Derived from

std_types::object the prototype object for all "normal" objects

See also

std_types::string the prototype object for all strings

Supported polymorphic functions

std::is_a_generic_list obvious
std::contains checks whether the list contains the specified item or not
std::dup creates a list containing *n* copies of the specified list
std::for_each iterates over all items of the list
std::get removes and returns the first element of the list
std::map applies a function to all elements of the list
std::map_or_error applies a function to all elements of the list
std::map_reduce combines a map and a reduce operation into a single operation
std::merge merge two sorted lists into a single (sorted) list keeping duplicates
std::pop removes and returns the last element of the list
std::put adds a single item at the front of the list
std::reduce computes a kind of sum from the values stored in the list
std::reverse reverse the order of all items of the list
std::truncate truncates a list to the specified number of items
std::zip zip (merge) two collections