array | an array of objects |
association_list | retrieve, insert or delete an item |
avl_table | |
binary_table | the "type function" for binary |
boolean_array | |
c_function | |
character | a unicode code point encoded as a 32-bit value |
character_array | |
date_and_time | the prototype object for date-and-time objects |
device_id | a POSIX device ID |
directory | a POSIX directory |
dirent | a directory entry |
error | the prototype object for all error objects |
error_number | a POSIX error number |
false | the *type* of the boolean value **false** |
file_descriptor | a POSIX file descriptor |
file_type | a POSIX file type |
function | the prototype object for all functions |
generic_array | the prototype object for all kind of arrays |
generic_list | the prototype object for all kind of lists (including strings) |
group_id | a POSIX group ID |
hash_set | a set for fast random access |
hash_table | a table for fast random access of items |
inode_number | a POSIX inode number |
insert_order_set | retrieve or add an item |
insert_order_table | retrieve or add an item |
int16_array | |
int32_array | |
int64_array | |
int8_array | |
integer | the prototype object for all integral numbers |
io | the prototype for all input-output objects |
io_task | |
key_order_set | a set which items are stored in key-order |
key_order_table | a table which items are stored in key-order |
key_value_pair | the prototype object for all key-value-pair-objects |
list | |
negative_integer | |
number | the prototype object for all kinds of numbers |
object | the prototype object for all "normal" objects |
octet_string | a string where all characters fit into an octet |
passwd | a password entry |
polymorphic_function_with_setter | the prototype object for all polymorphic functions with a setter |
positive_integer | the prototype object for all non-negative integers |
process_id | a POSIX process ID |
quad_octet_string | |
real | the prototype object for all non-integral numbers |
screen | the prototype objects for all screens |
set | the prototype object for all kinds of sets |
shutdown_type | a POSIX shutdown type |
stat | file status information |
string | the prototype object for all strings |
table | the prototype object for all tables |
terminal | the prototype objects for all terminals |
terminal_attributes | a structure that stores the terminal attributes |
true | the *type* of the boolean value **true** |
tuple | the prototype object for all tuples |
uint16_array | |
uint32_array | |
uint64_array | |
uint8_array | |
undefined | the undefined object |
unique_item | this is the prototype object for all unique items |
user_id | a POSIX user id |
value_range | the prototype object for all value-range-objects |