

the prototype object for all non-negative integers



Derived from

std_types::integer the prototype object for all integral numbers

See also

std_types::integer the prototype object for all integral numbers
std_types::number the prototype object for all kinds of numbers
std_types::real the prototype object for all non-integral numbers

Supported polymorphic functions

std::bit_and returns the bit-wise AND of the two arguments
std::bit_or returns the bit-wise OR of the two arguments
std::bit_xor returns the bit-wise exclusive OR of the two arguments
std::div implements the *div* operation
std::equal returns true if both arguments are numerically equal
std::exit terminates the process and returns the specified exit-code
std::exp computes the exponential function of its argument
std::hash returns an integer hash value
std::less returns true if the left argument is less than the right argument
std::ln computes the logarithm to the base e
std::minus implements the minus operation for positive integers
std::mod implements the *mod* operation
std::negate returns a negative_integer or 0
std::over implements the *over* operation
std::plus implements the plus operation for positive integers
std::shift_left returns the left-shifted value
std::shift_right returns the right-shifted value
std::times implements the times operation
std::to_integer returns the (unaltered) integer value
std::to_string returns a human readable string representation