std_types::number | the prototype object for all kinds of numbers |
std_types::integer | the prototype object for all integral numbers |
std_types::real | the prototype object for all non-integral numbers |
std::acos | returns the arccosine of the given value |
std::asin | returns the arcsine of the given value |
std::atan | returns the arctangent of the given value |
std::bit_and | bitwise and operation |
std::bit_or | bitwise inclusive or operation |
std::bit_xor | bitwise exclusive or operation |
std::cos | returns the cosine of the given angle |
std::div | divide two integer numbers |
std::equal | compares two objects for equality |
std::less | compares two objects in an object specific way |
std::minus | subtract two numbers of any kind |
std::mod | compute the remainder of two integer numbers |
std::negate | negate the numeric argument |
std::over | divide two numbers of any kind |
std::plus | add two numbers of any kind |
std::pow | computes the power of its first argument to the second argument |
std::shift_left | bitwise shift-left operation |
std::shift_right | bitwise shift-right operation |
std::sin | returns the sine of the given angle |
std::sqrt | computes the square root of its argument |
std::tan | returns the tangent of the given angle |
std::times | multiply two numbers of any kind |
std::to_integer | converts its argument into an integer number |
std::to_number | converts its argument into a number |
std::to_real | converts its argument into a real (floating point) number |
std_types::integer | the prototype object for all integral numbers |
std_types::integer.std::is_an_integer | obvious |
std_types::negative_integer/std::minus | implements the minus operation for negative integers |
std_types::number | the prototype object for all kinds of numbers |
std_types::number.std::is_a_number | obvious |
std_types::positive_integer | the prototype object for all non-negative integers |
std_types::positive_integer/std::bit_and | returns the bit-wise AND of the two arguments |
std_types::positive_integer/std::bit_or | returns the bit-wise OR of the two arguments |
std_types::positive_integer/std::bit_xor | returns the bit-wise exclusive OR of the two arguments |
std_types::positive_integer/std::equal | returns true if both arguments are numerically equal |
std_types::positive_integer/std::less | returns true if the left argument is less than the right argument |
std_types::positive_integer/std::minus | implements the minus operation for positive integers |
std_types::positive_integer/std::negate | returns a negative_integer or 0 |
std_types::positive_integer/std::plus | implements the plus operation for positive integers |
std_types::positive_integer/std::shift_left | returns the left-shifted value |
std_types::positive_integer/std::shift_right | returns the right-shifted value |
std_types::positive_integer/std::times | implements the times operation |
std_types::positive_integer/std::to_integer | returns the (unaltered) integer value |
std_types::real | the prototype object for all non-integral numbers |
std_types::real/std::ceil | returns the ceiling of the real value |
std_types::real/std::equal | implements the *equal* operation for real numbers |
std_types::real/std::floor | returns the floor of the real value |
std_types::real/std::less | implements the *less* operation for real numbers |
std_types::real/std::minus | implements the minus operation for real numbers |
std_types::real/std::negate | returns the negated real value |
std_types::real/std::over | implements the over operation for real numbers |
std_types::real/std::plus | implements the plus operation for real numbers |
std_types::real/std::times | implements the times operation for real numbers |
std_types::real/std::to_integer | returns the integral part of the floating point number |